Church Work
altar frontals and hangings
All Saints Church Handley, Cheshire. Design based on the bryony vine which includes all the colours of the church year.
St. Andrews church, Stanton under Hine Heath. Saint Andrew was a fisherman, the frontal depicts a net in which different fish are caught. The fish symbolize that Christianity excludes no one. It has four superfrontals in the colours of the church year. All bear the quote “I will make you fishers of men”.
The Great West Door curtains at Chester Cathedral. Each curtain is approximately 3m x 5.5m. The design is made up of diamonds, a shape that was taken from the plans of the vaulting on the ceiling of the cathedral. The colours are rich reds moving up into blues, where the Chester cross is morphed into the diamond shapes. The colours reflect the stone work and lead the eye upwards to the beautiful window above. They are hand painted on velvet.
The South West Door curtains at Chester Cathedral use the same diamond motif but are more freely interpreted so they sit well in their surroundings. Hand painted on velvet.
Chester Cathedral also has covered acoustic sound boxes in the new song school. Sound boxes consist of hardfilled and soft filledboxes, our panels conceal the wadding in the soft boxes.
The first image shows two hangings commissioned to soften a large space in which weddings and functions are held at Whittington Castle. They represent on the left spring and summer, and on the right autumn and winter, including an image of Whittingham castle and its famous swans. The second and third images show work at Bayston Hill Methodist Church.